Larox Finland PF32/32 M12 2 60

Prasa filtrująca

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Ta Larox Finland PF32/32 M12 2 60 - Prasa filtrująca została sprzedana. Ale podaj swoje dane, a poinformujemy Cię, gdy pojawi się podobny produkt.

  • General
  • SKU312W619
  • LokalizacjaSold
  • ProducerLarox Finland
  • RodzajPF32/32 M12 2 60
  • Nr.1154
  • Rok budowy2014
  • Dimensions
  • Pojemność ciasta800
  • Pressure
  • Ciśnienie robocze16 Bar
  • Główne cechy
  • MateriałStal nierdzewna
  • Ciśnienie16 Bar
  • Powierzchnia32 m2
  • Określone funkcje - Prasa filtrująca
  • Prasa filtracyjnaTower filter press
  • Powierzchnia filtra32 m²
  • Liczba płyt dociskowych20
  • Zewnętrzne rozmiary talerzy900x1750 mm
  • Grubość ramy60 mm
  • Z membranami na płytachcheck
  • Pojemność ciasta800 Ltr.
  • Zamknięcie hydraulicznecheck
  • Z agregatem hydraulicznymcheck 180 bar
  • Automatyczne otwieraniecheck
  • Silnik22 kW, 230-690 volt, 1500 rpm
  • Z pompą zasilającącheck
  • Silnik18,5 kW, 3000 rpm
  • MateriałStal nierdzewna 1.4404 (316L)
  • Informacja
  • Z rozdzielnicącheck
  • Całkowita wysokość4,60 m
  • Waga18.100 kg
  • CEcheck
  • Powierzchnia4,8 x 3,8 m
  • Dodatkowe specyfikacje

Dodatkowe informacje

This filter press was used for proteins in chicken feed. The filtration elements (i.e. plates) of the PF filter are placed horizontally between two pressure plates. During filtration, the plate pack is pressed together, and the pack is opened to discharge the cake. The plate pack is opened and closed by means of hydraulic cylinders. The endless filter cloth zigzags between the filter plates, resulting in the filtered cake being formed on either side of the cloth. The filter cloth is thus automatically back flushed, and any particles adhering to it or lodged in the filter cloth from the previous filtration cycle are washed out when filtering on the reverse side of the cloth. The cloth transports the cakes from the filter, and simultaneously, the cloth is cleaned on both sides by high-pressure water sprays. The cloth moving device is driven by the hydraulic motor, which actuates the cloth drive roller. When opening and closing the filter plates, the tension of the filter cloth is maintained at a constant level by a simple cloth tensioning device. The cloth tensioning device does not operate when the plate pack is closed. Slurry is fed into sealed filter chambers through distribution piping. Wash water and compressed air are fed through the same pipe. The feed pipe is emptied through a drain valve upon completion of the feed pumping cycle. The operation of the filter is automatically controlled by the operating unit containing programmable logics and indicator lamps for all operations. The actuators of the automatically controlled valves are hydraulic and electromagnetic.

Technical information:  

- Total ground space 39.5 m²  

- Filter cloths width 1050 mm  

- Cloth length 57.0 m

This is a complete installation consisting of:  

- Filter press 32 m²  

- Control cabinet  

- Hydraulic unit with 18.5 kW motor  

- Water tank 3000 Ltr, AISI 304L  

- Water pump with 18.5 kW motor  

- Buffer tank  

- Product transport system with conveyor

Filter plate data:  

Size 900x1750  

Body plate and frame are made of AISI 316, polished Ra <1.6 µm  

Diaphragm is made of NR, FDA certificate, max temp. 80°C